Monday 16 January 2012

i don't know what you believe in........i
believe that deregulation (subsidy removal)
is the only and absolute way for us to move
.......Every other wastage in our economy
must be plugged, including a reduction in
the number of public officials and the
income of public officials.
.......Economic and social Infrastructures
must be provided and planned for the long-
......Except we want to do the same things
our parents did to us to our kids until the
Paris Club forgave us.
......I'm ready to sacrifice.....what sacrifice is
it? are there no gains? When deregulation
happens, who benefits from the opening of
the economy from jobs and investment
.........My last grouse is with the President!
Please next time you want to do
anything......good or not, put this at the back
of your mind; I'M IMPORTANT! WE

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